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Randy Wolbert Zen Master

“Serene Cloud” (Jaku-un 穏やかな雲

Roshi (Zen Master)/Sangha Spiritual Director

The Authorized Teacher is a perpetual voting member of the Sangha's Board of Directors. 

Zen Lineage

Randy was a student of Marsha Linehan Roshi and Gregory Mayers Roshi.  In 2016 he was given authorization to teach in the Empty Cloud Lineage of Zen by Willigis Jager Roshi.  This was confirmed by Linehan Roshi in 2018.  Having completed koan study with Mayers he received transmission as a Zen Master in 2021.  He is the 89th successor to Shakyamuni Buddha and the 47 Successor of Lin-Chi.

In addition to Zen sesshins in the United States he has led sesshins and Zen Based Mindfulness Trainings in 12 different countries.  He has close to 30 Zen students from around the world.

He remains actively affiliated with the Empty Cloud Lineage in Germany and with Greg Mayers and his dharma heirs.

Randy is a highly experienced trainer of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). He was a full-time DBT trainer with Behavioral Tech, the dissemination organization established by DBT founder, Marsha Linehan.  

Prior to his role at Behavioral Tech, Wolbert worked for 25 years as the Clinical Director of InterAct of Michigan, where he had responsibility for a number of teams, including those covering DBT, dual disorders, and assertive community treatment.   

A Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), He was previously a Board Member of the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification.


Randy can be reached directly via email. 

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