Empty Cloud Sangha
Zen Sesshins
Be aware. Transform your life.
The Zen Mindfulness Retreat offers the opportunity for an extended period of practice. At a retreat, we separate ourselves from our daily affairs in order to sink deeply into mindful practice, free to transcend the background chatter of our busy minds. These retreats follow the style and format initiated by Willigis Jaeger, O.S.B. (Ko-un Rōshi). Formal procedures are observed. We practice together but we do not interact. Silence is observed throughout the retreat with the exception of the opening and closing meals, private interviews with the teacher, and the question and answer periods. A brief mindfulness talk is given each morning by Randy Wolbert Rōshi and a brief question/answer period is conducted each afternoon by senior Zen students.
Mindfulness Retreats (Zen Sesshins) are run by the Empty Cloud Sangha and are open to anyone over the age of 18 who is willing to attend and participate in the entire retreat. Priority registration is given to returning retreat attendees (alumni).
Interested persons can contact us at admin@emptycloudsangha.org to be added to the mailing list, or use the signup form on the homepage.