Empty Cloud Sangha
Randy Wolbert, Roshi
Member at Large
Authorized Teacher

Randy Wolbert LMSW, Zen Roshi, (Jak-Un- Serene Cloud) is a former DBT trainer with Behavioral Tech and Zen Master with Empty Cloud Sangha. Randy trains and consults widely throughout the world, directing several large-scale system implementations.
Randy is a long time Zen Student of Marsha Linehan and Greg Mayers. He was recognized by Willigis Jaeger as a Zen teacher in 2016 and was confirmed as a Zen teacher in 2018 by Marsha Linehan. In 2021 he received transmission as a dharma heir of Zen Master (Roshi) Greg Mayers. He has led mindfulness workshops and Zen mindfulness retreats in the US, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Jordan, and Germany.
Randy is also a voting member of the Board of Directors.