Empty Cloud Sangha

Empty Cloud Sangha is hosting a book club to facilitate discussion and increased engagement. This will be a time for sangha members to read and discuss Zen literature. Anyone can attend and there are no attendance requirements.
Topics and anticipated outcomes include but are not limited to:
Application of Zen principles to everyday life
Deepen appreciation and understanding of our Zen practice
Does not replace daily sitting practice, but may deepen and enrich one's connection to other practices
Current Book
Dependent Origination in Plain English
Bhante Gunaratana and Veronique Ziegler
Monday, February 10th, 7pm Central Time (Chicago)
Book club will meet recurrently on the Second Monday at 7pm Central.
For More Information
Please contact Caleb Reese at caleb@pathlessjourney.org to receive direct updates on book club happenings.